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Clivia miniata
A South African evergreen perennial with fleshy, bulb-like roots, Clivia miniata grows to 0.6m x 0.6m and has pale to medium orange flowers with yellow throats, in large clusters of upturned, funnel-shaped blooms, from late winter to early spring.
Clivia actually want to grow in shade, even quite deep, dry shade; in fact, their foliage and flowers will suffer if grown in too much sun. Their dark green, strappy leaves are attractive all year round and clivias slowly expand to form an excellent, low-maintenance groundcover in difficult shady spots.
Good drainage is essential. They appreciate watering in spring and summer during dry spells in their early days, but are tough and undemanding once established. Although frost-sensitive, they can be protected from milder frosts if grown under a tree or shrub canopy.